seit 2022
Pädagogische Psychologie für das Lehramt an Gymnasien
Pädagogische Psychologie für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, Regionalen Schulen und Sonderpädagogik; Universität Rostock
2020 – 2022
Multivariate Verfahren; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2018 – 2022
Computergestützte Datenanalyse; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2017 – 2022
Fragebogen- und Testkonstruktion; Hochschule für Technik (HFT) Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Beobachtungsmethoden und Gesprächsführung; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2016 - 2019
Testkonstruktion; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2011 – 2014
Statistik & SPSS / Entwicklungspsychologie & Funktionslehre; Universität Twente, Enschede (NL)
... folgt
Grommisch, G., Koval, P., Hinton, J. D. X., Gleeson, J., Hollenstein, T., Kuppens, P., & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Modeling individual differences in emotion regulation repertoire in daily life with multilevel latent profile analysis. Emotion, 20(8), 1462–1474.https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000669
Ehrke, F., Grommisch, G., Busch, E. P., & Kaczmarek, M. C. (2023). Populist attitudes predict compliance-related attitudes and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic via trust in institutions. Social Psychology, 54(1–2), 78–94. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-9335/a000500
Grommisch, G., Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2022, June 8 – 11). Modeling emotion ployregulation and flexibility from a polyregulation perspective: A mixture latent markov approach. [Paper presentation]. Consortium of European Research on Emotion, Granada, Spain.
Grommisch, G. & Ehrke, F. (2022, March 30 – April 2). Emotion regulation in times of crisis: emotion regulation flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Paper presentation]. Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, online.
Grommisch, G., Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2021, September 22 – 24). Modeling emotion regulation flexibility in stressful performance situations at work. In M. Arnold & M. Wiegelmann (Chairs), Emotion Regulation and Recovery in the Work Context: Results fromExperience-Sampling Studies [Symposium]. 12th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society – Work and Organisational Psychology Section, Chemnitz, Germany.
Grommisch, G., Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2021, September 15 - 17). Modeling emotion regulation flexibility using dual-process mixture latent markov models [Paper presentation]. 15th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society – Methods and Evaluation Section, Mannheim, Germany.
Grommisch, G., Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2021, September 13 - 16). Modeling emotion regulation flexibility in the context of repeated stressful performance situations. In M. Wenzel (Chair), Emotion and self regulation in daily life:current state and future prospects [Symposium]. 16th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society - Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics Section, Ulm, Germany.
Grommisch, G., Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2021, April 13 - 16). Modeling Emotion polyregulation in repeated exposure to stressful performance situations [Paper presentation]. Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, online.
Grommisch, G., Koval, P., Hinton, J. D. X., Gleeson, J., Hollenstein, T., Kuppens, P. & Lischetzke, T. (2019, July 12 - 15). Emotion regulation repertoire: a multilevel latent profile analysis [Paper presentation]. International Society for Research on Emotion Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Grommisch, G., Koval, P. & Lischetzke, T. (2018, September 17 - 20). Emotion regulation repertoire: a multilevel latent profile analysis [Paper presentation]. Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society, Frankfurt, Germany.
Grommisch, G., Koval, P., Hinton, J. D. X., Gleeson, J., Hollenstein, T., Kuppens, P. & Lischetzke, T. (2019, July 12 - 15). Emotion regulation repertoire: a multilevel latent profile analysis [Poster presentation]. International Society for Research on Emotion Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Grommisch, G. (2019, June 14 - 16). Modeling Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation Repertoire in Daily Life with Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis [Poster presentation]. 34th IOPS/SMiP Summer Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Grommisch, G., Luhmann, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2017, September 4 - 6). Emotionsregulationsrepertoire in Zeiten von beruflichem Stress [Poster presentation]. 14th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society - Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics Section, München, Germany.
Grommisch, G., Luhmann, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2017, June 15 -17). Regulatory flexibility in times of occupational stress: profiles of regulatory strategies and their intraindividual change over repeated stress situations [Poster presentation]. 5th conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment, Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg.
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 09/2022
wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Pädagogische Psychologie „Rosa und David Katz“
wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Psychologische Alternsforschung, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Dissertaion: “Emotion Regulation in Daily Life: Modeling Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation Repertoire and Flexibility”
2016 – 2022
wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Diagnostik, Differentielle Psychoglogie, Methodik & Evaluation; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2018 – 2021
assoziiertes Mitglied der Research Training Group “Statistical Modeling in Psychology”
2016 – 2018
Projektmanagement DFG-Projekt ‘Perfectionism in an achievement context: The role of self-regulation processes’; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau
2011 – 2014
Master Psychologie, Mental Health Promotion, Universität Twente, Enschede (NL)
Masterarbeit: ‘Investigating the Effects of Voice Dialogue Based Individual Coaching: An investigative Case-Study Approach’
2012 – 2015
Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Universität Twente, Enschede (NL)
2010 – 2011
Pre-Master Business Administration, University of Twente, Enschede (NL)
Bachelor Psychologie, Universität Twente, Enschede (NL). Bachelorarbeit: ‘Life stories and paranoia’
2009 – 2011
Honours Programm, Universität Twente, Enschede (NL).
Buch: Procee, H. (2011) Aan een zijden draadje? creativiteit in de wetenschap. Universiteit Twente, Enschede. ISBN 9789036531597
Dr. Gloria Grommisch
Hinweise zur Fachstudienberatung:
Tel. 0381 / 498-2649
Raum: 3012
EMail: gloria.grommisch(at)uni-rostock.de
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